import type { Moment } from 'moment'; import moment from 'moment'; import { noteOnce } from 'rc-util/lib/warning'; import type { GenerateConfig } from '.'; const generateConfig: GenerateConfig<Moment> = { // get getNow: () => moment(), getFixedDate: string => moment(string, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), getEndDate: date => { const clone = date.clone(); return clone.endOf('month'); }, getWeekDay: date => { const clone = date.clone().locale('en_US'); return clone.weekday() + clone.localeData().firstDayOfWeek(); }, getYear: date => date.year(), getMonth: date => date.month(), getDate: date =>, getHour: date => date.hour(), getMinute: date => date.minute(), getSecond: date => date.second(), // set addYear: (date, diff) => { const clone = date.clone(); return clone.add(diff, 'year'); }, addMonth: (date, diff) => { const clone = date.clone(); return clone.add(diff, 'month'); }, addDate: (date, diff) => { const clone = date.clone(); return clone.add(diff, 'day'); }, setYear: (date, year) => { const clone = date.clone(); return clone.year(year); }, setMonth: (date, month) => { const clone = date.clone(); return clone.month(month); }, setDate: (date, num) => { const clone = date.clone(); return; }, setHour: (date, hour) => { const clone = date.clone(); return clone.hour(hour); }, setMinute: (date, minute) => { const clone = date.clone(); return clone.minute(minute); }, setSecond: (date, second) => { const clone = date.clone(); return clone.second(second); }, // Compare isAfter: (date1, date2) => date1.isAfter(date2), isValidate: date => date.isValid(), locale: { getWeekFirstDay: locale => { const date = moment().locale(locale); return date.localeData().firstDayOfWeek(); }, getWeekFirstDate: (locale, date) => { const clone = date.clone(); const result = clone.locale(locale); return result.weekday(0); }, getWeek: (locale, date) => { const clone = date.clone(); const result = clone.locale(locale); return result.week(); }, getShortWeekDays: locale => { const date = moment().locale(locale); return date.localeData().weekdaysMin(); }, getShortMonths: locale => { const date = moment().locale(locale); return date.localeData().monthsShort(); }, format: (locale, date, format) => { const clone = date.clone(); const result = clone.locale(locale); return result.format(format); }, parse: (locale, text, formats) => { const fallbackFormatList: string[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < formats.length; i += 1) { let format = formats[i]; let formatText = text; if (format.includes('wo') || format.includes('Wo')) { format = format.replace(/wo/g, 'w').replace(/Wo/g, 'W'); const matchFormat = format.match(/[-YyMmDdHhSsWwGg]+/g); const matchText = formatText.match(/[-\d]+/g); if (matchFormat && matchText) { format = matchFormat.join(''); formatText = matchText.join(''); } else { fallbackFormatList.push(format.replace(/o/g, '')); } } const date = moment(formatText, format, locale, true); if (date.isValid()) { return date; } } // Fallback to fuzzy matching, this should always not reach match or need fire a issue for (let i = 0; i < fallbackFormatList.length; i += 1) { const date = moment(text, fallbackFormatList[i], locale, false); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (date.isValid()) { noteOnce( false, 'Not match any format strictly and fallback to fuzzy match. Please help to fire a issue about this.', ); return date; } } return null; }, }, }; export default generateConfig;